Allah wants to meet YOU!!!
Assalamo aleykom warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!
Peace be upon you!
May Allah reward this brother with jannah, amin! As he describes Allahs love to us, subhanAllah!
All praise is due to Allah, Amen!
From hell to paradise, the last person!
Assalamo aleykom warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!
Peace be upon you!
A great reminder for us all subhanAllah may Allah reward this brother and all of us who strive for the good with jannah, AMIN!
All praise is due to Allah, Amen!
TwoFaceBook? interesting...
Assalamo aleykom warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!
Peace be with you!
A short lecture about facebook and how it can be used against us or for us in paradise, I personally like this lecture very much because it make the head start working and think about the reality of facebook!
All praise is due to Allah, Amen!
Real love? A powerful story!
As-salamo aleykom warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!
Peace be upon you!
The first time I heard this story i fell in love with it, subhanAllah, and i believe you will aswell, may Allah bless brother Jalal!
All praise is due to Allah, Amen!
Are you seaching for happiness?
Jannah - Paradise
Fasting the day of Ashoora and the day before
As-salamo aleykom warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Peace be upon you!

This video explains why we should fast the voluntarily day of Ashoora, it is not obligatory and it is explaining the bid'ah (innovations) that people made for this day too, may Allah guide and strenghten the person who made this video mashAllah, and may allah protect us from bid'ah, amin!
All praise is due to Allah, Amen!
Peace be upon you!

This video explains why we should fast the voluntarily day of Ashoora, it is not obligatory and it is explaining the bid'ah (innovations) that people made for this day too, may Allah guide and strenghten the person who made this video mashAllah, and may allah protect us from bid'ah, amin!
All praise is due to Allah, Amen!
Cats and Dogs
Muslim Women in Hijab: You're Beautiful!

As-salamo aleykom warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!
Peace be upon you!
This Sheikh, Siraj Wahhaj has been one of the teachers when I started to practice Islam, alhamdulillah!
The headline speaks for itself as this sheikh does, may Allah protect him and award him with the best in this life and the next, Amen!
All praise is due to Allah, Amen!
Leave me alone

As-salamo Aleykom warahmatullahi wabaraktuh!
Peace be upon you!
Brother Faisal Salah has mashallah a great voice and in this video makes a great message to the youth on the streets to fear Allah subhana wa-ta'ala.
Muhammad Sallalahu Aleyhi Wa-sallam said that if you want to see how a person is, just look at his/her friends, and that is why choosing right friends is a big matter to keep the righteousness within the group you are in.
May Allah lead Faisal and all of us to and through the right path, Amen!
All praise is due to Allah, Amen!
Little about Muhammad Sallalahu Aleyhi Wa-Sallam

As-salamo Aleykom wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh!
Peace be upon you!
Before you can love someone for who he/she is you have to know how that person is, to know nothing about a person and claiming you love this person is pretty much empty words subhanAllah.
It's like; "To forget about someone that you love is like remembering someone that you never even meet."
Seek knowledge brother or sister and let your iman get filled with taqwa.
All praise is due to Allah, Amen!
Kullu nafsin dha'ikatu mawt!

As-salamo aleykom warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!
Peace be upon you!
I made this new blog, my former was as i wanted to change my adressname to taqwa, a more profound word than a nickname staqfurAllah.
Every soul shall taste death - That's one thing that every human beeing is promised in their life.
Our brother Abu Taubah does a very emotional lecture about how blessed we are by beeing muslims, al-hamdulillah, and how people are ignorant enough to not appriciate that they are for example born in an islamic household.
May allah guide us through Islam and the right path and make us firm upon Muhammad Sallalahu Aleyhi wa-sallams sunnah.
All praise is due to Allah, Ameen!