Vart och när accepteras mina do'a? Del 2
BaarakAllaaho feek(i) för att tog din tid och läste igenom. Det är väldigt viktigt att vi vet vart, när och hur våra do'a accepteras så vi kan utföra dem på bästa sätt, må Allaah acceptera våra do'a, Allahoma amin!
Wa salaam! :- )
Vart och när accepteras mina do'a?
Accepteras mina do'a??? :s
11. Att undvika att rimma när man gör do'a.
12. Att vara ödmjuk och underkasta sig utmed längtan och fruktan.
13. Att förkasta orättvisa utmed ånger.
14. Att repetera do'an tre gånger.
15. Att vara riktad mot qibla.
16. Att lyfta sina händer vid do'an.
17. Helst att man har wudhu (tvagning) innan do'an.
18. Man ska inte överdriva i ens do'a.
19. Om do'an du ska göra är för en annan broder eller syster, så gör man do'a för sig själv innan.
20. Man bör göra do'a med dem finaste och upphöjda namnen och attributen av Allaah.
21. Personens mat, dryck och kläder ska vara från tillåtna källor (Dem ska vara halal).
23. Den som gör do'a bör anbefalla det goda och förbjuda det onda.
24. Man ska avålla sig så långt borta som möjligt från alla slag av olydnad (shirk/kufr).
BarakAllaho feek(i) för att du läste!
All praise is due to Allaah!
Don't give up after Ramadan
Alhamdulillah we had a great Ramadan and Eid was just amazing. Now it's going on Shawwal and the days are passing us by like water through the palms of our hands... We must stop to ask... have we benefited from our month of worshiping our Lord or are we back to our old way of life?
Here are some things we can do to make the Ramadan feeling last inshaAllah.
1. Make sincere Tauba every chance you get:
Tauba acts like a vacuum cleaning up our sins. Allah made us so important that we have not one, but TWO angels writing down our deeds. We can help ourselves by making sincere tauba each time we mess up so that the angel to our left will Inshallah erase it from our list. And we can do good deeds and the angel on our right will write them down as quickly as we do them! Subhanallah! Can Allah make it any easier for us?
2. Proclaim Ikhlas to Allah
Simply put, whenever you do something tell Allah you are doing it for Him and Him alone. When you give someone a gift, don't give it because they gave you a gift or because they are nice, but because you know Allah would be pleased with you for giving it to another Muslim and making them happy. Take credit for pleasing Allah and not just for pleasing another Muslim. Show mercy to others because you know Allah would be pleased with you. Recite Sura Ikhlas as much as you can: Reciting Ikhlas three times is equivalent to reciting the entirety of the Quran! Do everything for the sake of Allah and Allah will be pleased with you InshaAllah!
3. Pray on TIME!
Never postpone your prayers. Especially the Fard prayers! Make up missed salah. Continue to do your sunnahs and nafls. Don't give up!
4. Keep your tongue moist with Dhikr
Allah loves dhikr. Allah loves the one who does dhikr. It is said that if Allah loves you, He allows you to recite dhikr often. With the exception of doing salah and reading Quran, we should try to do dhikr often. Dhikr comes in many flavors and forms.
Some examples of Dhikr are:
- Istighfar - 100x or more
- La ilaha Illallah - 100x or more
- Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahuakbar
- Subhanallahi Wabihamdih, Subhanallahil Azeem
- Allahumma ajeerna minan-naar 100x after every Fajr and Maghrib salah
- Recite Ayatul Qursi after every Fard salah and before doing the Sunnah or Nafl portion(s)
- Astaghfirullah lil mu'mineena wal mu'mineen 27x
- Recite Shahadah
- Ash hadu al la ilaha illallahu wahdahu lasharika lahu, lahul mulk, wa lahul hamdu euh' heeyu umeet, wa la hawla wala quwwata illah billah aleeul azeem
We try our best during Ramadan to recite the Quran atleast once. Then when it's over, we put it on our shelves and wait for the next Ramadan to recite it again. Let's not do that anymore and try to read it, even if it's one page a day. We should also try to understand the meaning of what we read. If we don't do this then we can't understand what it is that Allah is trying to tell us. And ofcourse, finally, We should learn to live our lives with the teachings from the Quran. This is the true way to show Allah that we love Him and we do everything for His pleasure and pronounce His Ikhlas.
6. Give Sadaqah! Give Charity! Give! Give! Give!
Don't stop giving just because Ramadan is over! Continue to give in Sadaqah, even if it be a smile to another Muslim to brighten their day. Allah loves us more for showing mercy to His creations. The more mercy we show to others, the more mercy Allah will show to us InshaAllah.
7. Walk on Wudu. Sleep on Wudu
Wudu is a weapon against the Shaitan! Fight him the easiest way you can with wudu! Before going to sleep, do wudu. During the day try to keep wudu and if it breaks, try to make it again.
8. Watch what you watch
On the Day of Judgement we will be answerable for everything we did with our eyes, our mouthes, our hands, our minds, our legs, our body and every other part of our bodies. We will be asked if we kept our eyes downcast when something non-halal passed us by or if we looked away when something bad came in front of our eyes. We will be questioned about our speech and our words and if we made fun of others or even ourselves.
We will be asked if we tried to do good with our body or we didn't care enough to do right by it. We are answerable for habits that make us sick or kill or damage our body. We are accountable for everything we do.
9. Keep making Dua to Allah for EVERYTHING
One of the easiest ways to let Allah know you are thinking of Him is by continuously making dua to Him for everything in this life and for the Hereafter! Subhanallah! Can it get any easier than that? Allah loves the slave who begs Him for everything! Even our selfish needs are a blessing to us! As a friend would say, Ya Allah give me halaal rizq and even more!
- Turn to Allah for advice or guidance. Who better to solve our problems than Allah?
- Give Hamd: Thank Him for all the good things you have.
- Tell Him of the patience you are trying to maintain during those hard times; Allah loves a patient believer.
- Beg Him for everything in your daily life, even for that parking spot on a busy Sunday afternoon!
- Ask Him for forgiveness for all past sins and to help you from doing sins in the future.
- Talk to Him about everything that is in your mind and heart and ask Him to guide you and keep you in the halal
10. Keep Relations Alive (Salatul Raheem)
Allah forbids us to break family ties. No matter how hard it might seem to keep familial relationships going, it's very important that we try our best to maintain them. Shaitan loves it when we break our ties so let's not please the shaitan! When we break our Family ties, Allah will not accept our Dua!!
Let's not let our days go by without benefit. May Allah make it easy for all of us and shower his mercy & blessings over us & over our families, and keep us on the right path, Ameen wa ameen!
The day of Reckoning - Powerful speech
Peace be with you!
Very powerfull lecture, wallahi we need to hear this as i got this from another brother may Allah grant him jannat al firdaws, a great reminder!
All praise is due to Allah, Amen!
Seven people who is under Allahs shade on the day of judgement
Back in the days

Put this poem back up here because i think its worth it, barakallaho fikom for your time, wa salaam!
Back in the days, when we used to wake up early
happy for a new day as we ate, put our shoes on
knocked on our friends doors just to say hay!!!
But today, everyone is in need of a phone, in need of materialistic ways
layin in the bed not wanting for a new day, we really should be happy and appriciate
Back in the days, when summers were long and winters was fast gone
as we wished in the last part of the summer for the school to come
okay, maybe not for all but for some
But today, people wish that the school wont come, the summer ends so fast that you didnt even have fun in the sun, the summer passed so fast and you didnt even believe it begun
Back in the days, when i think of it im so amazed, even if it was bad or good
it was ment to happen, but those things rasied us, even if they were small it had large impacts
and affected us in different ways
but today we went passed back in the days, we face a whole new phase
a whole new era, blindley folded our eyes even though we sit all day gazed
Today, i proudly stand as malcolm x said - A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything
as I stand for many things, like martin luther king - Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed
even though i have never been opressed i see the opression on my people, stressed that i wont get heard before long gone in this world, blessed of the thoughts I posses,
alhamdulillah that i've been blessed
obsessed of the thought to not fight for the right, waking up night after night
as krs one said - change your attitude, change your plan, there could never really be justice on stolen land. Are you really for peace and equality? Your laws are minimal, Cause you won't even think about lookin' at the real criminal!
They send their messages subniminal
Again blindley folded as the time goes backwards and repeats
my mind is solid and concrete, i will never retreat
as a great man said - what can my enemies do to me? My paradise is in my heart, it is with me wherever I go. To imprison me is to provide me with seclusion. To send me into exile is to send me away in the Path of Allah. And to kill me is to make me a martyr
i will stand with the right, until the day of my departure.
until that day, ill pray everyday to Allah to forgive me for my sins, and He will, Inshallah.
All praise is due to Allah, Ameen!
Boonaa Mohammed - War on Eerror
Some beautiful pictures that makes me think and ponder
As-salamo aleykom warahmatullahi wabaraktuh!
Peace be upon you!
Sometimes, people dont appriciate things in life like there is nothing in their life that pleases them. I say it's the matter of seeing the smallest detail and to cherish everyday for not losing it, yet, because death will come and then what, then you will really appriciate what you have in your life.
As many people say; You don't know what you have til' you lost it! And you can only loose your life ONCE my brother and sister so ponder..
Boonaa Mohammed - Signs
Peace be upon you!
Another great and deep poem by our akhi Boonaa, may Allah light his iman for everyday, amen!
All praise is due to Allah, Amen!
As-salamo aleykom warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!
Det här är den nya bloggen som jag ska använda istället för
Jag kommer att skriva på både engelska och svenska inshAllah från dikter till videoinlägg som inspirerar och som ger ut kunskap samt hadither och Muhammad Sallalahu Aleyhi Wa-sallams sunnah InshAllah!
Det är den 10 Dhu al-Hijja, Eid Mubarak!!!
All praise is due to Allah, Ameen!