Do you want to sell your soul?

Assalamo aleykom wr wb!
May I find you in a state of good health and iman!
May I find you in a state of good health and iman!
Lets start from the beginning.
Where are you from?
Where do you live?
What do you want to become?
Did you grow up with both parents?
With one parent?
With no parents?
Who created you?
Did or do you live your life transparent?
Now think about this, only one question and then can you get dismissed.
In what kind of state do you want to die in?
It's quite a hard question but if I wont ask my self or other this question, with what question should i begin.
Think about the question, what do you want to be in life?
I wrote this becuase I want you to think of one thing before death comes and stabs you like a knife.
Dont waste your life and energy on the wrong thing.
Think twice, do you want to sell your soul to bring some happiness by wealth?
Do you want to be famous?
Think twice because getting famous will cost a price.
Im not talking about money, im talking about your soul so let me give you an advice.
I wise man once said;
''If someone asks you that he/she wants to buy your soul/Iman for 1000 kr?
You'll be like no do you think im cheap, okay 10 000 kr? Naa I dont want to, ofcourse.
But the price is getting higher to get you, it's a hard force.
100 000kr? Wow but no thanks.
10 million kr? Wait a minute, i have to think.
Again, think twice, how much do you cost?''
Are you going to sell your self for fame, and reinforce stereotypes in the society so they can enslave humanity?
Think twice because getting famous will cost a price.
This is the way shaytan, the devil, works into our hearts and makes us deceived, a'udubillah.
Everything to make you leave your deen and stay in greave, as-staqfurallah.
So please think twice of what you want to do in the future.
Don't think about fame beacuse it will only set you on a path to the flames.
Instead, think of a way that you can leave this dunya, this world so people can remember your name and link it up with only good and not falsehood, inshallah.
Let me ask the hard question again.
In what kind of state do you want to die in?
May Allah ease the way on the right path, and may Allah spare you from his wrath, Ameen.
Think youself in the situation, do you want to be a remarkable donation to the world, a creation that Allah wants you to be before you reach the last station?
Do you want to die with a smile in your face when you leave this world to go to the real world, because this world is a dream, a fasad and a theme to the next that is the supreme.
A man, a prophet who name is Muhammad peace be upon him said; ''The lenght of your life is like the Adhan (the call for prayer), when you get born, and the Azan (the call of that the prayer starts right now), when you die.'' That means that it's very short.
Muhammad peace be upon him said; ''When you are born, you are cryin and everybody are happy and laughin and their in the state of joy, but when you die, make sure that the happening is vice versa, make sure that you are in the state joy, while others are in the state of crying.''
Subhanallah, as I said, think twice because when you die you may regret everything you did in life, don't only follow desire, but brains are too acquired.
All praise is due to Allah, Ameen!
This world is only a test
As-salamo aleykom warahmatullahi wabaraktuh!
Peace be upon you!

Truly it's not their eyes that are blind, but their hearts wich are in their breasts.
Stay loyal and have patients my brothers and sisters, this world is only a test,
say Alhamdulillah that you are a muslim because you've been blessed
I know it's different from the view that they have in the west
and i also know that Islam is something hard for them to digest
so hold your behaviour and always think that in this world, you're always a guest
even if you're in arrest you're free, even if they have you in chains your free just because of what you have in your heart
mentally strong is one thing that you are and one thing you should express
I will always stick to the love of Allah and a woman's heart should be so Lost in the love of Allah, that man would have to seek Him in order to find her.
May Allah bless all of us brothers with righteous wifes because that is half of our Iman,
you're soul and my soul is going to leave this world so make every moment of your life a devotion to Allah azawajjal, stay away from the falsehood and stay clean
Don't be lazy my brother or sister, go up in the night and pray, when the darkness is all around you, as the one who prays as their house, their family has been destroyed and raises their hands to the sky and makes their prayer, as the tears roll down they do not have no fear,
they do not even spend ONE second in despair
patients is the word as they have it all clear
so open your heart, eyes and open your ears, everything is not as it appears
like in the news, war on terror, how can that be an excuse?
Dont let them make you confused
hold on to the Qur'an and the sunnah and refuse everything that they accuse
This world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the unbeleiver
So pull up your sleeve brothers and sisters and wake up because we have history to achieve.
All praise is due to Allah, Amen!
Peace be upon you!

Truly it's not their eyes that are blind, but their hearts wich are in their breasts.
Stay loyal and have patients my brothers and sisters, this world is only a test,
say Alhamdulillah that you are a muslim because you've been blessed
I know it's different from the view that they have in the west
and i also know that Islam is something hard for them to digest
so hold your behaviour and always think that in this world, you're always a guest
even if you're in arrest you're free, even if they have you in chains your free just because of what you have in your heart
mentally strong is one thing that you are and one thing you should express
I will always stick to the love of Allah and a woman's heart should be so Lost in the love of Allah, that man would have to seek Him in order to find her.
May Allah bless all of us brothers with righteous wifes because that is half of our Iman,
you're soul and my soul is going to leave this world so make every moment of your life a devotion to Allah azawajjal, stay away from the falsehood and stay clean
Don't be lazy my brother or sister, go up in the night and pray, when the darkness is all around you, as the one who prays as their house, their family has been destroyed and raises their hands to the sky and makes their prayer, as the tears roll down they do not have no fear,
they do not even spend ONE second in despair
patients is the word as they have it all clear
so open your heart, eyes and open your ears, everything is not as it appears
like in the news, war on terror, how can that be an excuse?
Dont let them make you confused
hold on to the Qur'an and the sunnah and refuse everything that they accuse
This world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the unbeleiver
So pull up your sleeve brothers and sisters and wake up because we have history to achieve.
All praise is due to Allah, Amen!
The paradise is under your mothers feet

As-salamo Aleykom warahmatullahi wabrakatuh!
Peace be upon you!
Always obey your parents aslong as it does not transgress against what Allah has claimed because
the paradise is under your mothers feet.
Walking on the street
woke up to pray fajr in the mosque
trying to beat what shaytan whisperes to my heart, mind and soul.
Praying the two rakats wanting the sweet Allah gives in this obligatory treat
who doesnt want to meet Allah, sitting in the front seat
this thought makes my heart everytime shiver and complete
as you need to eat your soul needs it to, Iman
this is what your soul needs so that you can easily shaytan defeat
delete the love for the Dunya and start the love for the afterlife
the day that we all will Allah meet, thinking about this day makes my heart go offbeat
shut off the television it will only make your heart feel deceit
Yawm Al-Qiyama, the day that you will have to take account for what you done
Did you ever try to help the person that everyday hears the sound of a gun?
We dont hear anything because we sleep in our warm bed and during the day play and have fun
SubhanAllah. My heart cries everytime i think of the situation in the world
In a strange way wishing for the last day to come,
but still want it to get delayed so that i can do more deeds that are right and without greed.
Alhamdulillah that I am a Muslim and that i can see through what misleads.
Allah is the most glorious and Islam is his last and final creed,
so follow this deen because it is sirat al mustaqeen.
The majority of the youth are affected by shaytans disease
listening to music, betting on games thinking that this world is about the cheeze (money)
but they dont know that what they're infact doing is to Allah only displease
the thinking is different in the west from overseas
is the hijab really something that makes the womens freedom seized?
true muslims are extremists according to western expertise,
this is all nonsence, like an american listening to japanese,
he does'nt understand anything thats why he replies and says anything that he please
So wake up my brother and my sister, make a change in your life
before death comes, takes your soul and stabs you like a knife.
All praise is due to Allah, Amen!