Fasting the day of Ashoora and the day before
As-salamo aleykom warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Peace be upon you!

This video explains why we should fast the voluntarily day of Ashoora, it is not obligatory and it is explaining the bid'ah (innovations) that people made for this day too, may Allah guide and strenghten the person who made this video mashAllah, and may allah protect us from bid'ah, amin!
All praise is due to Allah, Amen!
Peace be upon you!

This video explains why we should fast the voluntarily day of Ashoora, it is not obligatory and it is explaining the bid'ah (innovations) that people made for this day too, may Allah guide and strenghten the person who made this video mashAllah, and may allah protect us from bid'ah, amin!
All praise is due to Allah, Amen!