Kullu nafsin dha'ikatu mawt!

As-salamo aleykom warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!

Peace be upon you!

I made this new blog, my former was http://www.libron.blogg.se as i wanted to change my adressname to taqwa, a more profound word than a nickname staqfurAllah.

Every soul shall taste death - That's one thing that every human beeing is promised in their life.
Our brother Abu Taubah does a very emotional lecture about how blessed we are by beeing muslims, al-hamdulillah, and how people are ignorant enough to not appriciate that they are for example born in an islamic household.
May allah guide us through Islam and the right path and make us firm upon Muhammad Sallalahu Aleyhi wa-sallams sunnah.

All praise is due to Allah, Ameen!


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